Note if your homeowners insurance can cover your valuable gifts this season!
The season of gift-giving is almost upon us in Arcadia, California! Whether it’s a flashy watch, a delicate necklace, or the newest TV, many are shopping for the right presents for their loved ones! With the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping and gift-wrapping, it’s easy to forget about protecting the new and expensive purchase.
If you plan on leaving something shiny and pricey under the tree for a loved one, spare a thought for coverage in your homeowners insurance. Personal property, such as your watch or necklace, can be covered with this type of insurance, although it may have monetary limits.
Personal property under your basic homeowners insurance coverage may only include belongings up to a certain value. You may need additional coverage for valuable items such as jewelry, artwork, furs, high-end cameras, collectibles or other personal items of high value.
Coverage to Protect
If you’re planning to gift your loved one with diamonds or receive a valuable present under the tree, you’ll want to be sure that it’s covered appropriately. Within a homeowners insurance policy, there is Replacement Cost Coverage so that you never have to face a significant loss of your item. In addition, the policy can cover belongings that are destroyed from fires, vandalism, water damage, or that have been stolen.
Don’t be left out in the cold this winter! The holiday season brings special gifts that require special protection. At Weaver & Associates Inc., we take into account your needs, budget, and desired coverage. For a positive outcome of a reliable homeowners insurance policy in Arcadia, California, contact us today!