September is Life Insurance Awareness Month! Life insurance is one of the most important insurance policies to hold, yet, the majority of America is left without this vital insurance policy. Without life insurance, there is no financial guarantee for your loved ones. Does anyone depend on you financially? Would those individuals be able to continue their current lifestyles if you were to unexpectedly pass? With life insurance, you can safeguard those you love most, and help to provide financial stability after you pass.
If you are one of the many Americans who complain that life insurance is too expensive to budget for, there may be less expensive life insurance options available to you. Many Americans do not know that term life insurance policies offer more affordable life insurance, while still providing your loved ones protection. When you choose to purchase a term life insurance policy, you are choosing to receive coverage for a fixed period of time. Some individuals choose an annually renewable term life insurance policy, whereas others choose to have a 5-year or 20-year policy. The longevity of your term life insurance policy is completely up to you. This type of life insurance policy will not accrue cash value however.
A whole life insurance policy acts as a permanent form of life insurance, which will offer protection for your life time. These life insurance policies earn cash value, and can also be used as an investment opportunity.
Weaver & Associates Inc. celebrates September as Life Insurance Awareness Month! Contact Weaver & Associates Inc. in Arcadia for your life insurance needs.