If all the pink has not given it away, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! During this time, individuals, businesses, and organizations join forces to spread awareness for breast cancer. Spreading awareness can be as simple as educating one another on the importance of conducting a self-exam every month or wearing the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon each day of the month.

Ways to Spread Awareness:

  • Sport the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon every day! You can even pass around or sell pins in the office so your entire company can go pink for October.
  • Participate in a breast cancer research walk with your friends and family.
  • Host a pink goodies bake sale!

Did You Know?

  • There are other parts of your body that are vulnerable to breast cancer other than your breasts. Breast tissue travels into your collarbone and armpit area. Therefore, you must check out these areas when conducting a self-exam. Texting PINK to 59227 will enroll you in an automatic text reminder to conduct a self-exam.
  • Lumps are not the only symptoms of breast cancer. Ask your doctor for a list of other symptoms to keep an eye out for.
  • If you do notice a lump in your breast or breast tissue, make an appointment to see your doctor immediately.
  • We need to stop viewing breast cancer as a death sentence. Early detection makes a big difference in survival rates, stressing the importance of self-exams each month.
  • Most importantly, do not just assume because breast cancer does not run in your family that you are safe. Everyone, including males, should conduct self-exams each month to be proactive.

We recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and encourage you to go pink! Contact Weaver & Associates Inc. in Arcadia for all of your California insurance needs. We will go above and beyond to make sure you are protected.