In order to avoid paying minimum wage or overtime, providing meal periods, and purchasing workers insurance coverage, some companies will inadequately label their employees as independent contractors. In the event of a work related injury, if you are improperly labeled as an independent contractor, you will not be eligible for workers compensation coverage.
Written agreements do not give your company the power to label you as a contractor rather than an employee. These are factors that the state workers comp board will consider to determine if your company has labeled you correctly.
- You get to make the rules and decide how things are done without control of the hiring company.
- There is no interview process and you receive wages instead of getting paid hourly.
- You provide the equipment used to complete the job.
- The work you do is uniquely skilled and you are regularly hired by more than one company.
Weaver & Associates can help you with your business insurance needs. Contact us today for any and all of your insurance inquiries.